Thursday, 23 May 2013


The week is almost gone, yey! to that...... trust my ladies are gearing up for the weekend....*wink.  
Remember our last post? the write-up below continues from where we stopped. I  honestly didn't mean to break it down like our very own home video', anyways here it goes...

The ladies I promised you’ll meet have various ways of pulling their carriage off.

The reflection from Comfortable and “Traditional” Lady is usually that of a strong feeling about the “minimal benefits” that chasing trends accomplishes for the consumer. It is her opinion that a stable decision does not follow trends, but is disciplined to obtain clean and timeless pieces for whatever the mood and place. She doesn't sway with seasons, the seasons sway for her. She develops styles that never look out of place, regardless of space and time.

The thoughts of the Materialistic Lady are not concerned with the monetary extent to which one must attain to get trendy fashion labels or pieces – just as long as it can be gotten! This lady seems to live in a whirlwind of who has what, whatever can I do to get vogue stuff and “as long as I have it, the world is spinning fine. Plus the world’s idea is to get with the trend now and now… [no clues whatsoever, as to how to measure up].” Call her a victim of fashion and money or just a helpless lover of both??

This Lady does not attribute any deal to being in tune with fashion of the day and to own the trendy stuff – the Socialite. If you ask her, she just owns them. No sweat, no tears, no blood, no agony, they just gravitate towards her of their own accord. She (almost) always has something for every occasion. When she can afford something nice – why not splurge; when she can’t, she still gets it anyway…

Now meet Lady Clueless. She defines herself as comfortable, but Miss Comfortable cannot understand her. Miss Materialistic looks down on her; the Socialite is just sorry for her. She seems ignorant (or unmindful?) to what she puts on. She may or may not be defined with self-esteem issues, but she acts unaware of her lack of expression with her clothes. Usually the impression on meeting her is plain and un-lasting.

Now, having met these four ladies, which one of them do you really think you are???
Let’s be sincere…J


Friday, 10 May 2013


Ever walked into a public space – restaurant, photo studio, classroom – and weirdly all the girls look alike. Dressing, mannerisms, speech, hair, gesticulations, everybody is doing the same thing! Seriously! It is frustrating!! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!

Although we all are as different as spots and stripes, and as slim is different from plump, the interesting fact about creating a worthy first impression is that having “your” style, while incorporating trends, will present you as likeable, thoroughly real, and more likely to be remembered. However we (guiltily) prefer to wear out inspiration, cling to clichéd images and imitate styles that are done-to-death… The vogue in today’s world of fashion encourages you to be somebody via what you wear or nobody at all. It’s almost lacking “le difference”… ((Forgive the French expression)). We forget that uniqueness can be the most beautiful aspect of living!

So why are we unoriginal? Is chasing trends beneficial?

Fashion as an idea, a created art and form of expression that is constantly evolving. 

Fashion is created to be as different and as unique as individual finger-prints. It simply requires "you"

Marc-Alain Descamps, French philosopher and psychologist presented fashion as an ever-changing and over-determined phenomenon which expresses the unconscious and one's own personal evolution, and which covers many roles and values in human psyche. The expression of individual style with colors, labels, trends, and fabric cuts is based on moods, events, seasons, culture and the environment.

I will introduce you to the four ladies I happened to distinguish in that room full of the same people: - the Traditional and Comfortable lady, the Socialite, the Materialistic lady and the Clueless lady.