Saturday, 24 March 2018


Some hashtags that I see popping up on the internet these days are #loveyourself, #doyou and so forth. This is quite refreshing because I remember back in the day flipping through fashion magazines and hoping I will measure up, while all around me, young ladies were developing low self esteem and eating disorders just to look like the skinny, great figured, edited and glammed up ladies paraded on the glossy pages; the lengths that certain ladies went to get nice clothes back in the day and then the craze for plastic surgery to enhance certain facial and body features! Not to say that these no longer exist, but I think that these days the images representing beauty and confidence come in more diverse forms, shapes, sizes and textures than just ‘skinny’, ‘fat’ or ‘long, straight hair’. As a result, it is easier to feel validated and not judged for how we look- leading to a better appreciation of one’s self.

Photo courtesy Pinterest


Photos courtesy

Whenever I think of great style, the two words that come to mind are “happiness” and “comfort”. And it’s true- at least to most of us- that the most common image in terms of ‘style’ is that of a self-assured person who values her happiness and is not afraid to bend or outrightly break the fashion “rules” while coming up with great-looking results. I think that’s why our Snapchat queens/Instagram influencers/Twitter celebrities/bloggers are so popular- they keep us obsessed with their selections from modern tastes, infused into their unique, personal style. It looks #flawless without trying too hard.

We use the term ‘self-love’ when we copy pick out interesting pieces from trends and mix/match them creatively in a way that shows that we care for and value ourselves. I see self-love as a true outlet of personal contentment- both by enjoying our sense of style, and gaining respect for ourselves and for others around us.

Earlier when I was getting on Instagram I tried to take it on by being laid back with a few style looks I thought I had nailed, but some did not look right. I questioned whether Instagram style is indeed personal or perhaps for other people’s appreciation.

With a bit of research, I saw that the Instagram- worthy shot requires a good deal of planning  based on personal motivations- either for personal values or even as a career option. Behind each perfect shot are myriads of imperfect ones, endless poses, makeup on fleek, dressed to the nines (with or without somewhere in mind to get to 😉), in front of specially selected backgrounds and perfect lighting/editing. And to get a large followership, the smart social media buff/self-lover knows to readily dish out reviews of products, hacks and tips to achieve the said style. They know that as they show self-love, they help others to do the same.

Self-love fashion for me denotes:

1. Personal Style: You need to develop an intentional and continuous art called personal style; and not just dance to the tune of the Kim Kardashians or Vogue magazines of this world. A huge chunk of it comes from understanding that style evolves and though it would be foolhardy to blow all your savings on the hottest trends, it will be impractical to overlook how the trends are coming and going! You can rather, take a bit of the trendy theme to inject into your everyday style so you don’t feel left out.

Photo courtesy Instagram

Photo courtesy Pinterest

2. Self-care: Who doesn’t like a nice warm and scented bath soak, complete with a glass of wine after a long stressful day? But I’m talking more than the physical- you also need to nourish your mind. Engage in a soul uplifting sessions every day for at least 20 minutes. You could take out time to pray, read, do yoga, be with family/friends or by yourself and whatever else can improve your mind space.

3. Take care of your body and accentuate your positives.
4. Have style goals and style right for the occasion.
5. Cultivate confidence and experiment with fit, colours and trends.

6. Fashion is never that serious so don’t compete or put your peace on the line. Appreciate who you are and what you have. 

Photo courtesy: pinterest

Constantly posting on social media is a profession and a lifestyle for some people as an offshoot of self-love fashion. For every person though, your style significance should not be based on the number of likes on your Instagram post or any 'sabi sabi' comments of some people you interact with. Self-love fashion and creating personal style is like having good manners – always be presentable and respectable at the occasion, regardless of who nods their head or double taps their screen. Let your style stand out, not just to grab attention but to present yourself in your most confident and refined state.

Let 2018 be the year of self-love and I will be looking out for your intentional fashion footprints👏!